Monday, December 15, 2008

Hello Ladies, just want to share a Premier story with you all. I did a show for a single Mom with 4 children, 3 of which are girls... so they all loved the jewelry. The Mom had only 1 item on her wish list, she was HOPING to get a piece of jewelry for each of the girls for Christmas. You see she can not afford any extras- she just recently moved into an apartment(she had been saving for months)and works very hard to make ends meet. So the day of her Premier show, I was just finishing up and she had $187.00 to spend in FREE jewelry, she was overwhelmed. Then she asked if I could wait a few minutes longer, one of her daughter's friend was on her way to see the jewelry. The friend and her Mom arrived and purchased several hundred dollars worth of jewelry. Which gave my hostess a total of $420.00 in FREE jewelry!! Praise the Lord! My hostess sat down at her kitchen table and cried..happy tears! Each of Her daughters would have several pieces of our beautiful jewelry for their Christmas gifts!! At no cost to my hostess (I paid the tax & shipping). Ladies, I was able to deliver HOPE to this Mom at a time when she needed it. I hope you all will share your stories, so that we may encourage each other.